IoT Street Lighting NodesLoRa based intelligent street lighting nodes
Street lighting is one of the largest energy expenses for a city, as 40% of the energy budget of a city is attributable to street lighting. Civil authorities and city planners have started realizing that shifting to smart LED street lighting is the need of the hour. An intelligent street lighting system can cut municipal street lighting costs by as much as 50% – 70%. Moreover, it contributes to a reduction in environmental impact. An intelligent street lighting system adjusts light output based on usage and occupancy, i.e., automating classification of pedestrian versus cyclist, versus automotive. An intelligent street light management proposes the installation of the wireless-based system to remotely track and control the actual energy consumption of the street lights and take appropriate energy consumption reduction measures through power conditioning and control.

Kemsys, one of the leading IoT device design houses, offers Street Lighting Management solutions. Keeping below benefits in mind, a LoRa based street controller solution is designed and its description is an artifact in detailed
- Automatic Switching of Street lights
- Energy Saving
- Maintenance Cost Reduction
- Reduction of light pollution
- Reduction of manpower

Unique Features
- Mode of Operation: Astronomical and Mixed
- BLE: FOTA and Configuration
- Tamper Detection
- LED Notifications: FOTA and Tamper Detection
- Cost-Effective – Single-Chip LoRa Solution
- Firmware Upgrade Over the Air (FOTA) – BLE
- Configuration
- Tamper Detection

- Single-Chip LoRa Solution – Arm Cortex-M0+ CPU running at up to 48 MHz and 128KB/256KB Internal Flash
- Companion Chips: BLE Chip and Meteorology Chip
- Non-Volatile Memory: 8Mbytes
- Optional: GPS – UART, HSM – I2C, EEPROM – I2C
- Super Capacitor: 5F and 1F
- Ambient/LUX Sensor, Notification LEDs
- Relay & PWM: Load On/Off and Brightness
- Power Supply: 90-440V AC, 50/60 Hz, Load current: >15 Amperes
- Surge Protection: 10KV
- Operating Temperature: -25ºC to +70ºC
- Connector: NEMA
- Mechanical: IP 65 protection, Ø 84X108
- Specification: V 1.0.2 compliance
- Bands: 865 to 867 MHz – India, 868 MHz – EU ISM, 915 MHz – US ISM, 923 MHz – AS ISM
- Class: C
- Activation Type: OTAA
- Meteorology: Class 1 energy meter
- RMS voltage and RMS current
- Power Factor and Frequency
- Active and Reactive Power
- Active and Reactive Energy
Kemsys has designed a cloud-based multi-functional & unique smart street lighting solution with remote device management (RDM) platform – ideal to manage large-scale outdoor lighting networks in order to control and monitor street lighting infrastructure while saving energy and reducing maintenance costs. Simple to control and monitor all luminaires in one place on a map, decrease maintenance costs and increase savings. Street Lighting (RDM) is just the first step of a more sophisticated Smart City platform development process.